2019.5.1 Service Update

October 15, 2019

Release Notes

We're pleased to present our 2019.5.1 Service Update. This service update includes the following issue resolutions:

Linked Accounts Display Issue

There was a minor display issue on the Manage Linked Accounts popup in Workplace Online and Workplace Manager. Instead of displaying one X icon for each linked account, all the X icons displayed in one row. The issue has been resolved. For more information on this interface, please refer to Manage multiple linked accounts.

Session Timeout Default Value

In the Security Policies section of the Workplace Select Policies page, the default value for the Session Timeout policy was 120 instead of 60. The default value has been corrected.

Unable to Upload from Email

Users were not able to upload items to a project via email even when the Allow uploads to this folder via email check box was enabled. The issue has been resolved an email upload now function as designed.