The Workplace for Windows and Mac app

SECURITY  All Workplace for Windows and Mac users

NAVIGATION  Taskbar/menu bar >

VIDEO  Click here for a brief introductory video.

Workplace for Windows and Mac (v10) allows you to access the entire data repository on demand and to access all your most frequently used features directly from context menus.

The Workplace app is installed on your computer and runs silently in the background. It ensures that the latest versions of your files and the files shared with you are available to you locally.

The Workplace app is also responsible for making backups of folders you have selected, if that feature is available to you. For more information on that, please refer to our Workplace app Backups tab topic.)

Projects that you store locally on your desktop or laptop are managed through The Workplace app interface or The Workplace Folder interface. The latter is where the local versions of projects synced to Workplace are stored.

The Workplace app will watch for changes to your locally stored projects as well as projects changed via Workplace Online and sync them, so your team is always working on the most recent versions of files.

This topic explains how to use the Workplace for Windows and Mac app interface. We'll also walk you through some other basic functions.

For highly detailed instructions for common functions and specific screens, please use the left navigation menu or refer to:


How to...